Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days. We will do our absolute best to fulfill your order promptly; if you have an urgent need for the item, reach out at and we will do our best to expedite. Shipping times vary based on destination and shipping method. Shipping rates are calculated at checkout, including your choice of shipping method. Please make sure all shipping and billing information is correct to avoid unnecessary delays. Express shipments take at least 1 business day to process.
International (non-US) customers are responsible for payment of any associated fees, customs, duties, and taxes. Unfortunately, taxes associated with shipment from, for example, the US to the UK can be quite substantial, so we urge you to take this into consideration before placing an international order.
All prices are listed in USD. We recommend international customers check the current exchange rate to get the best idea of what they will be charged.
If you have any questions, please contact us at